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1. Black Mirror Scrying - This mirror was hand crafted under a full moon. Scrying is one of the oldest methods of divination. This method will not work for all of those who wish to try it, but when it does work, you will be amazed by the results.
2. SLS (Structured Light Sensor)Camera - A games console sensor is used to fill a room with thousands of lasers. These lasers will ultimately map out any seen human form in a 'stick-man' shape. The connected tablet with appropriate software allows us to see these stick man images, and additionally it will also allow us to view what we are unable to see with the naked eye (ie - human forms which we are unable to see).
3. Hand Held Thermal Imaging Camera - Imagine panning round an empty room, and seeing the hot and cold spots - and then you see a human form in either blue, or red. Similar to our other equipment, this allows to see temperatures which with the naked eye, we are unable to.
4. Boo Bear - Not your average bear!! Similar to other pieces of our equipment, Boo picks up on spiritual energy. Any EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) kit (K2 Meters etc) shows the user when there is any anomaly, or spike in energy nearby. Boo's paws light up red when there is aforementioned energy fluctuations, and when there isnt - you can clearly here Boo calling out on his own to invite any spirits to 'Come and Play'.
5. Wireless CCTV - This is our latest investment (December 2019), and comes with 4 x cameras. This is a wireless system, only limited by the range on the aerials/reception. With this, you can be looking at areas where we are not actively investigating. We also have the ability to set up trigger objects, and without disturbing the atmosphere, we can see if thy truly do move on their own.
6. Mini Portal Box - This has never failed us to date! 3 x voices (male, female and child) all played in reverse. This acts as an open channel to spirits to talk to us. Ask a trigger question - 'What is my name?' etc and listen for an appropriate reply. There is no white noise with this piece of equipment, so you can therefore not only hear full sentence responses, but you can also make out accents of those who you are communicating with.
7. Rempod - Another one of our EMF sensors. This has an inbuilt aerial, which emits an EMF bubble, where any energy which breaks the bubble will trigger an audible alarm, plus, the lights on the top will light up, dependanct on how close to the aerial the energy has been picked up. This Rempod takes into account any nearby energy sources on initial placement, therefore, any alarms or lights could be considered as 'unexplainable'.
8. Laser Thermometer - It is well known that spiritis nearby can cause cold or hot spots. With this in hand, you can truly see and record any fluctuations in temperature near you.
9. Laser Grid Matrix - Both the pen, and the stand alone projector emit a laser grid. This is useful to clearly see any shadows which may pass between the source, and the where the grid is displayed.
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